So I received my questionnaire for my 12 Days partner this morning and I about died. We had relatively nothing in common, but that could be worked around. The thing that really got me was that she was a smoker. I'm not allergic to smoke, but I am quite sensitive to it. I thought I had said that in my questionnaire, so I was surprised to be paired with a smoker. But I did know that the organizer had a lot of info to sort through and make the pairs. I decided to send her a message asking if she could switch partners around. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who did this. Her inbox was flooded with complaints. And she was really upset about that.
Of course, now I feel horrible that I was one of the bratty complainers. But it is a huge, highly involved swap and I wanted to have a slightly more compatible partner. It was looking like I wouldn't be involved in the swap at all. I ended up having a highly emotional afternoon at work...all the other teachers couldn't figure out what I was so upset about.
After a few more pm's to the organizer, I ended up becoming a replacement partner for Hellobint. I was so relieved to still be in. The only downfall is that she's in the UK, so I have to save all my extra money for postage. But otherwise I think we're going to be a great match!
Doily #3
11 months ago